Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Writers Block

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Whenever I get an idea or ideas I try to write them down on a scrap of paper that I stuff in my shirt pocket.
For example, here are my cartoon ideas that I wrote down Monday:
Haus - a parody of the tv show House where Dr. Haus and staff must diagnose
Uncle Sam who is in a coma
If it wasn't attached - about losing things
Best of Times/Worst of Times - a "on the one hand/on the other hand"
Environmental cartoon - guy accidently dumps invasive plant into river,
introduces invasive fish to eat invasive plant, etc.

I would say about 2/3 of the ideas I come up with this way never amount to anything. Some get lost in the wash. Some get lost when I clean up my desk area. Some I abandon after I start working on them and realize they weren't such great ideas after all. Like a salmon swimming upstream, a few make it to fruition. But at worst, it gives me something to do until real inspiration strikes.



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